Vision boards, Useful to solidify your goals or kindergarten stuff?
Have you ever created a vision board? Isn’t just a manual version of pintrest? The statistics on how many people follow through and accomplish their New Year’s resolutions are rather grim. It’s time, to be honest with yourself – how successful have you been with your New Years resolutions?
Studies have shown that less than 25% of people stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them. Don’t be part of that statistic!
Making a resolution or a set of goals is a great place to start. But that is all it is. To follow through with your resolutions and goals, you require a process. Keeping your resolutions or goals, require effort, and planning. You could set SMART goals Using smart goals are tired and true, provided that you precisely detail actions for each element.
Today, however, we will be focusing on utilizing vision boards as a tool for goal setting, and reframing mindset.

Example vision board
Some of you may be rolling your eyes, right now. So let’s address the elephant in the room (or blog post.) With the law of attraction, and the Secret and all things ‘Woo’, vision boards have received a bad wrap.
What is a Vision Board?
Some people refer to vision boards as ‘dream boards‘ or ‘inspiration boards‘. Regardless of the term you use, a vision board is a collage of pictures, words and quotes that serve to remind you of your passions (Thurman 2013).
One way to look at a vision board is to see it as the possibility of creating a visual ‘roadmap‘ to achieve goals. Creating a vision board allows an individual to bring to life what they hope to achieve. Ryder states that ‘when you create a vision board and place it in a space where you see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualisation exercises throughout the day’ (2017).
Vision boards can be a fantastic tool, for goal setting and identification of things that you would like to change — the reason why is very simple.
- Vision boards are personal.
- Each vision board is unique to the person that has made it
- There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board
- Vision boards can be created at any time of year (Not just at the beginning of the year!)
- Vision boards visual
- Images and references are selected based on what appeals or reflects the person’s goals
- By placing the vision board in a high traffic area – they become a daily reminder of what is important
- Additionally, images and references can be added at any time.
By creating a vision board, it becomes a physical representation of a goal or goals that you are seeking to achieve.
So, make this year of goal follow-through by creating a vision board to give you a clear picture of where you want to get to.
4 Reasons to create a Vision Board
- Vision boards make you think about what it is you want.
Creating a vision board forces you to take the time to sit and REALLY think about what it is you want from life.
Vision boards help you to take your daydreaming and pondering from a ‘mental’ space and or a ‘someday’ space and helps you to refine what it is that you want to achieve and what will motivate you to make this change. A vision board forces you to go beyond casual thinking and focus on your goals and aspirations.
- Vision boards help you to gain momentum.
Our lives are so congested and overflowing. We wake up; we work, we do the family and friend thing… throw in a hobby or a social life. Rinse and repeat. We are busy ‘doing’ but often don’t take time out to reflect and plan. This is one of the primary reasons that most people feel stuck in life. They are exhausted and overworked. They have lost touch with their creative side.
Creating a vision board can help you to take time out and realign to what it is that you want to achieve.
- Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals.
The reason that vision boards work so effectively is that you visually see them every day. When you see something that inspires you on a daily basis, this assists you to stay on track with your goals. This is why vision boards are also useful for setting professional goals and can be an ideal team building event for team and personal goal setting.
Even when you face setbacks, that vision board will still be there ready to motivate you all over again.
- Vision boards are a fun way to set your goals and priorities.
A vision board is a fun, risk-free way to download you’re your personal goals and aspirations. You don’t have to organise, analyse, or beautify your board. Just have fun and put it together. Change it up. Do what feels right to you.
It doesn’t have to be organized or pretty. Its job is to inspire you.
Do Vision Boards Work?
Vision boards can work because they take the thoughts and dreams in your head and turn them into something real and tangible. However, they only work for you, providing that you are prepared to take action towards achieving them.
What does this mean? You must engage with your vision board and use it to guide your actions as you progress toward making your goals a reality. Simply making a vision board and storing it away in a cupboard, only looking at it briefly every few weeks or months, won’t get you anywhere.
As with most things in life, you get out what you put in. The power of a vision board comes in its ability to motivate you to do the work that is required to make the things you put on it a reality.
- Canfield J 2017, ‘How to create an empowering vision board’, Jack Canfield, viewed 1 February 2018,
- Ryder, E 2017, ‘The reason why vision boards work and how to make one’, Huffpost, 6 December, viewed 1 February 2018,
- Thuman, R 2013, ‘How to create a vision board: 6 steps to visualize your ideal life’, Happy Black Woman, 16 September, viewed 1 February 2018,
Start 2020with clarity and confidence! Vision Board workshops 2020 Mornington Peninsula
Join other seekers to gain clarity, direction and heighten conscious living through a collaborative sequence shifting you out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. Take action to define your vision and move toward an incredible life of purpose.
We can attract into our lives by using the power of our imagination. Goal Setting and Vision Boards are one of the most simple and yet most powerful tools you can use to help you start creating the life your heart desires. And you can have fun while you’re doing it!
Everyone from Beyoncè and Ellen Degeneres to Oprah Winfrey swears that they intentionally created outcomes by using a simple tool: Vision Boards. A Vision Board is a way to sell your ideas to yourself, to anchor to your dreams and to allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life.
That’s why Colleen Condon from Facilitated Training will be working with you. To give you the space you need to intentionally define your dreams by finding your purpose, setting goals and creating a Vision Board that will help you achieve them!
It all starts with a Vision.
In this 3 hour workshop you will learn to:
– Define what you want to achieve in life
– Separate what’s essential to what’s irrelevant
– Create a beautiful collage that represents your vision, values and desires
Here’s what you’ll get:
• Space and time to map out your ideal outcomes in each area of your life
• Receive tools to assist in completing your goals
• All the tools and time to create your own powerful Vision Board
• Your very own Vision Board to take home and effortlessly attract your dream life
• Connection with a fantastic bunch of people
• Workbook to gain depth of vision and clarify goals
• Magazines and all art supplies to craft your vision board
• Light Refreshments
Who is this for:
This workshop is truly perfect for anyone ready to make a serious change in their lives. No matter how young or old, or what your status in life is – working, just leaving school, married, empty nesters, starting a new business or even refreshing an old one – this workshop can genuinely enrich your life and take it to a whole new level.
Saturday 4th January
Saturday 11th January
Saturday 18th January
Saturday 4th April
Saturday 18th April
Investment per person $145.
Limited to 20 participants, be sure to book early to secure your place.
Minimum class number 10
Who is your Vision Board facilitator?
Colleen Condon is one of Asia Pac’s most well-rounded Organisational and Learning professionals. With her finger in every piece of the Human Resources pie, Colleen has trained 1000s of people across multiple industries and countries. She has conducted training department reviews in Soul, facilitated regional planning programs in Mumbai, deployed leadership programs across Australia, Singapore and New Zealand, to name a few.
She has developed targeted training materials for the likes of Westpac Bank, Bank of Melbourne, Sodexo, Repco and CGU Insurance. Along the way, she has written books for learning and development professionals, implemented regional online induction programs for 14 countries, and most importantly, wielded Flipchart Markers like no one else on Earth.
’Twas many moons ago when Colleen commenced her Learning and Development career, along the way she supplemented her practical know-how with a Grad Dip, Vocational Training (Melbourne University 1996) and Masters Educational Leadership (RMIT 2001). Her passion for the ongoing development of herself and others has included accreditation’s in Cultural Orientation Indicator (2015), People Centre Implementation (PCI) 2001, Human Synergistics, Life Style Inventory, and Myers Briggs Indicator Step ii (2004).
Colleen’s passion is bringing together people, fun and ways to assist others in learning and realising their personal vision.
$145 per person
What to bring:
While all materials will be provided to create your 2020 Vision Board – we do ask that you bring two magazines that you have not read before plus a photo of yourself that will be used in the vision board.