Ready made training materials 

You may decide to purchase off-the-shelf materials instead of designing them yourself. However, you most likely still want to customise them for your -organisation. This is where ready made, customisable training materials will meet your needs.

Will off-the-shelf training materials meet your needs?

At first glance, purchasing materials that have already been designed and that are packaged, tested, and ready to implement may appear to be a perfect solution. Here are some possibilities for pre-packaged training:
• Targeted facilitated content designed for soft skill development including interpersonal skills, leadership and supervisor training
• Asynchronous content or videos on almost any training topic.
• Lunch and learn content
• Short course content for regularly scheduled training
• Content designed for professional development during team planning days and conferences
• Packaged training programs often include the participants’ materials, a trainer’s guide, slide decks, videos, learning assessments, targeted learner activities and even the job aids, learner quizzes (gamification) and in some instances, cheat sheets that participants take back to the workplace to remind them of what they learned.
Adapting content.

For some organisations they may choose to edit the content to ensure that concepts reflect their workplace and learners. Be sure to select a learning provider that has created training materials in an editable format such as Microsoft office. A quality learning company will ensure that their learning materials contain highlighted notes that indicate opportunities for customisation.

Consider the following approaches when editing your newly purchased materials.

• Review the program well in advance of the training. Make notes in the margins using company examples, anecdotes, policies, and so on that bring the topic home.
• Weave your organisation’s core themes and philosophies into every part of the program. The skills and behaviors taught may be generic, but the way your organisation applies them is not.
• If a behavioral skill is being taught, add comments that reflect your organisation’s management beliefs and philosophy regarding the behavior.
• Ensure follow up with learners and provide resources for participants mangers to support learners application of new skills and knowledge back in the workplace.
• Consider updating content using your organisation’s logos and brand guidelines.

Purchasing off the shelf training materials can enable targeted development of your employees quickly.
When deciding if off the shelf training materials are right for you, consider the time and resources required to create professional quality training materials. According to a report from the ATD in 2018 – 1 hour of quality training materials equates to 38 hours of development.

Engaging learning is more than death by PowerPoint. Does your team have the skills and time to create the training resources that are required? Purchasing customisable training materials, and editing (tweaking!) is a more efficient approach to take.

So, what are you waiting for?

Are you seeking quality, training materials and resources for your workplace?
Facilitated Training has the solution that you need. Editable training materials, that can be used again and again. Insert your company logo, add in case studies or examples form your workplace, or train using the quality training materials, as is.

Facilitated Training is your one-stop shop for world class, customisable training and professional development resources.
Facilitated Training offers training and organisational development resources to facilitators, trainers, coaches, HR managers and individuals. Specialising in customizable leadership and management skills, Facilitated Training features a wide variety of products, including Training resources, Professional development courses, assessments, ebooks, videos and more.

4 things to consider when purchasing off the shelf, editable training materials

ready made, editable, customisable training courseware.


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