Unlocking the Secrets to Developing Your Team
$1,850.00 + GST
Unlocking the Secrets to Developing Your Team
Managing Teams effectively is a skill that needs to be learnt.
Every job is performed by two people – the employee who is paid to accomplish results and the manager who is paid to ensure that this happens.
So, when team members become unproductive, unmotivated, or disruptive, a manager's first thought should be, "How do I get things back on track?" The answer to that question almost always involves coaching.
Today’s manager is expected to have the capability and capacity to coach their people. Unfortunately for many managers they either don’t have the skills and/or the time to deliver effective coaching.
Imagine the difference if your managers were able to deliver effective, timely and outcome-focused coaching? This course is truly unique as it explains the proven benefits of coaching and also gives participants a proven coaching methodology. Coaches will leave the course confident that they have a roadmap to delivering better coaching sessions
Editable Team development Training materials
This 1 day training course focuses on developing your team to be more effective and offers tips on identifying their preferences for learning and being coached. Other topics include building trust, creation of a coaching plan and much more.
They'll find out:
- Ways to adapt their leadership style to the team member
- Identify what learning preferences their team members have and coach using these preferences for more effective results
- How the ‘steps of learning’ are taken at different paces for different team members
- Identify how to create a coaching priorities list
- Identify specific coaching needs for individuals
If your managers implement just a handful of the proven ideas in Understanding the secrets to developing your team – even just one or two of them – they'll feel an enormous burden lifted off their shoulders. And your investment will be repaid many times over, starting today and for years to come. Potential benefits include greater engagement, retention and increased margin from more productive and skilled team members.
Buy and gain access to “Understanding the secrets to developing your team” training package with all you need to deliver a high powered ‘time management’ training program.
Follow the well-structured adult learning format and deliver powerful training.
Our high impact training courses and references have been designed to pay, print and train immediately, alternatively you can customise the training material to add flavours and experiences of your workplace, such as case studies, naming conventions and examples.
Designed by experienced instructional designers with in excess of 20 years’ experience designing and delivering professional development courses.
High impact slide decks, and workbooks, and guides are included in each course purchase.
Each training course includes:
- Detailed Trainer / Facilitator Guide
- Targeted PowerPoint Slide decks
- Learner Workbooks
- Adult centred training activities
- A self-paced learning plan for learning application back in the workplace
- Assessment forms
- Learning quizzes/ knowledge check
- Gamified Learning quiz
- Learner Attendance Certificate
- Attendance record sheet
- Training evaluation
Duration: 1 day
Audience: managers, supervisors
Cost: $1850. 00+GST (AUD)
Please click below to view examples of our training materials: