Introduction to Unconscious Bias
$700.00 + GST
Introduction to Unconscious Bias
We all have bias. Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one's tendency to organise social worlds by categorising, which isn’t always a good thing. Learn more about why and how these occur and the impacts in the workplace.
Unconscious biases are:
- attitudes beyond our regular perceptions of ourselves and others
- reinforced by our environment and experiences
- the basis for many of our patterns of behaviour about diversity.
Research is proving that we are biased towards the world around us and use stereotypes all the time. Our brains are wired towards patterns and similarity, while the difference is harder to accommodate.
When it comes to creating inclusive and diverse workplaces we need to look inward first.
The one-hour ‘introduction to unconscious bias’ workshop is an ideal place to start in your workplace. Building awareness of unconscious bias is the first crucial step towards creating a proactive culture that is mindful of the negative impacts.
Impacts of unconscious bias
Where there is bias (conscious or unconscious) in the workplace, we continue to recruit, promote, allocate work, and manage performance with filters on our thinking. We cannot change what we do not see or acknowledge, but we can change conscious attitudes and beliefs.
Unconscious bias in the workplace can mean:
- talented people are left out of your workforce or not allowed an equal opportunity for development and career progression
- diverse voices aren’t heard in meetings and decisions can be impaired
- your culture is not genuinely demonstrating inclusive workplace principles
- employees are not able to fully contribute to your organisation
- creativity and productivity of your team or organisation may be compromised.
This 1 Hour adult learning centred course has been created for the busy trainer or line manager that wants to get a message across but needs to reduce the impact to working operations.
- Lunch and learn sessions,
- Add the topic to your leadership curriculum
- Professional development during team planning days
- Conference workshops
- Stand alone, & refresher training
Short, succinct 1 Hour professional development courses enable you to deliver effective training sessions that get the key message across and retain participant involvement.
- Save hours of research and development time. We have done all the hard work so you can focus on the training delivery
- Own complete rights to edit, copy, and reuse the training materials. You can even brand it with your business logo and name.
- Download all training courses and courseware packages immediately in their source files.
Each training course includes:
- Detailed Trainers / Facilitator Guide
- Targeted explainer video
- Learner Workbooks
- Adult centred training activities
- A self-paced learning plan for learning application back in the workplace
- Learner Attendance Certificate
- Attendance record
- Training evaluation sheet
Duration: 1 hour
Audience: Employees at all levels.
Please click below to view examples of our training materials: