Train the Trainer .An Introduction to training adults
$1,850.00 + GST
An Introduction to Training Adults (Train the Trainer).
Why is train the trainer, training important?
It is important to realize that any trainer needs two separate sets of skills and knowledge.
First, they need to know the topic they are teaching (subject matter expertise).
And second, they need to know how to transfer that information to the student (instructional expertise). When instructors are hired to train adult students, they need both sets of skills.
The problem is, a business’ need people that know the topic material very well; and in order to know a topic well enough to teach it at a high level, they often must have expert experience or a graduate degree in it.
So, most corporations and colleges hire instructors that have graduate degrees or subject matter expertise in the areas they will be training.
But this is a sacrifice, as most of the instructors have little or no training in instructional expertise or trainer training.
Most commonly the skills that are learned are traditional lecture style, which is non-interactive and not well suited for non-auditory learning styles. (Which, by the way, is most of their learners.)
Training is more than just the simple transference of knowledge.
Trainers don't just open their mouth and deposit knowledge into learners’ brains. Trainers must know how to organize that knowledge, properly present it in a variety of formats for participants who have different learning styles and preferences and talk about the topic in a way that the students can understand and learn from.
Trainers must also be able to design ways to authentically assess whether your learners have learned what you're trying to teach them.
And they should be able to address different types of difficulties that students with special needs may have so that they can best assist them in learning the topics they are presenting.
1 day, editable training workshop
This one-day training course focuses on adult learning principles offers tips and ways to design a targeted training course, including assessments and engaging their audience. Other topics include utilizing learning styles and preferences types of training, creation of learning materials and objectives. Engaging stakeholders, to the room set up and managing challenging learners.
They'll find out:
- Why a session plan is necessary and useful
- Ways to engage stakeholders and learners
- How to adapt learning outcomes to the needs of the learner
- How to create an inclusive learning environment
- Utilising gamification to reinforce learning
- What makes an effective trainer
- Why training is not always the solution
- Delivery tips and tricks
If your trainers implement just a handful of the proven ideas in Train the trainer – an introduction to adult-based learning’ – even just one or two of them – they'll feel an enormous burden lifted off their shoulders. And your investment will be repaid many times over, starting today and for years to come. Certainly, their participants will be grateful for a better learning experience.
Investment into the development of your employees is critical for ongoing growth and success of the organisation. It simply doesn’t make sense not to invest in those who will be delivering this development.
Buy and gain access to “An introduction to the adult learning” training package with all you need to deliver a high-powered train the trainer.
Follow the well-structured adult learning format and deliver powerful training.
Our high impact training courses and references have been designed to pay, print and train immediately, alternatively you can customise the training material to add flavors and experiences of your workplace, such as case studies, naming conventions and examples.
Designed by experienced instructional designers with in excess of 20 years’ experience designing and delivering professional development courses.
High impact slide decks, and workbooks, and guides are included in each course purchase.
Each training course includes:
- Detailed Trainer / Facilitator Guide
- Targeted PowerPoint Slide decks
- Learner Workbooks
- Adult centred training activities
- Learner Handouts and job aids
- Self-paced learning plan for learning application back in the workplace
- Self-assessment
- Learning quizzes/ knowledge check
- Learner Attendance Certificate
- Attendance record sheet
- Training evaluation
Duration: 1 day
Audience: subject matter experts, trainers, managers, those interested in training
Purchase now: $1850.00 +GST (AUD)
Please click below to view examples of our training materials: