Using colour when creating learning materials and communication is key to enhancing memory retention and providing context/
The use of colour in learning
In this short video, Facilitated Training will be explaining the importance of colour in learning. This is sometimes referred to colour psychology or colour theory. Colour theory is both the science and art of using colour. It explains how humans perceive color; and the visual effects of how colours to mix, match, or contrast with each other. Colour theory also involves colors impact memory and messaging.
“Colours in learning or the world around us are not that important.”
Oh yeah – then how do you explain traffic lights, warning signs, and rainbows? Color is important, and it’s time we pay attention to color in Learning too.
Learning is a difficult field to understand, and there’s so much research out there discussing these issues that it’s hard to know where to begin. What’s pretty obvious though is that color plays a key role in creating an environment that fosters learning.
So let’s talk about color – What colors help learning? What colors might be annoying or distracting to online learners? And how can we mitigate that risk? That’s what we’ll be delving into here.
Using the right colour, and the correct selection and placement can seriously affect feelings, attention, and behavior when learning. It’s time that we leveraged that to our advantage. Even research with Alzheimer’s patients has shown that color cues improve memory and that learners recall images in color more easily than images in black and white – amazing, right?
Colour me convinced
Hopefully, by now you’re having a dramatic rethink of the color of your courses, your house, and maybe even your car. That’s great – that’s what we want. Take note of the lessons above and let us know how you’ve implemented them in our content courses. Remember, color is fundamental to the human experience. It’s a huge part of our lives and our perceptions, and we should leverage that in our the learning courses we create here at www.facilitatedtraining.com
Now watch our colour in learning video!
Where To Learn More
- Stone, T. L. (2008). Colour Design Workbook: A Real World Guide to Using Colour in Graphic Design. Rockport: Rockport Publishers.
- Bleicher, S. (2011). Contemporary Colour: Theory and use. United States: Cengage Learning.
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