What is the difference between Content and a Course?
What is the difference between Content and a Course? Not everyone is a learning designer. For many in Human Resources, or Learning and Development we find ourselves being a ‘jack of all trades.’ However, there are times when it is important to dig into the theory of...
Learning curation, useful, or fad?
According to findings from the High-Impact Learning Organization study by Bersin by Deloitte, employees find it most difficult to learn, NOT because there isn’t enough content, but because there is TOO MUCH of it, and they cannot find what is valuable. Let’s face it,...
Stop with the boring workplace training!
Are you familiar with how to engage participants to want to actively learn? Facilitating learning is not a spectator sport. In a...
FREE learning and development templates. Get yours now.
Training Plans Templates Who doesn’t like a template that you can download and use straight away, saving you time and effort? Every trainer needs a starting point when preparing the training he or she is going to deliver. And having the right starting point, in the...
Nailing interview questions. Behavioral based interview questions & how to answer them.
What is a behavioural based interview? According to Balanced Careers, Behavioural based interviewing is interviewing based on discovering how the interviewee acted in specific employment-related situations. The logic is that how you behaved in the past will predict...
Supervisor Training. Why you need to invest in your Supervisors.
Let's start with understanding the difference between a supervisor and a manager. You would think that the question: "What's the difference between a manager and a supervisor?" would have a simple answer. After all, people live day in and day out with titles such as...
Why you should treat job applicants as customers.
When was the last time you applied at your own company? Now, more than ever, people searching for their next role is more competitive than ever. Understandably, applications for roles have quadrupled accordingly. #covid19 Over the last few weeks, friends, family...
Keeping mentally healthy with mindfulness.| FREE isolation diary.
Keeping mentally healthy with mindfulness and the FREE isolation diary. How do you keep mentally healthy? And what is mindfulness? Adult colouring books have become popular over the last few years, reminding us of the need to help us to step back from the day to day...
Its time to rewrite your learning strategy.
It's time to review your learning and Development Strategy. It's time to rewrite your learning and development strategy. Chances are you wrote your learning strategy with a focus on face to face interactions. Covid, has made this increasingly harder to deploy. It’s...
Why you need to create a learner avatar.
Targeting learner and business outcomes is more important than ever. 2020 continues to be a year of change and challenge. Many people find the prospect of change scary and hold back, preferring to do things the traditional way in the hope of staying afloat. But the...