Successful Delegation
$700.00 + GST
Successful Delegation
An essential skill to successful management is the ability to delegate successfully. People leaders need to realise early in their careers that they cannot achieve their goals alone. They will not be able to manage people effectively if they continue to spend the same amount of time on task-oriented aspects of their workload that they did as a team member. To increase their team’s output and prioritise their leadership responsibilities effectively, they must learn to delegate tasks and, in some cases, authority.
This module is perfect for adding to your leaning calendars, use in lunch and learn sessions, and a great addition to existing leadership training.
The Successful Delegation Training Course provides leaders and managers with the knowledge and skills to effectively understand the levels, methods, monitoring, management and practice of delegation. Delegating roles and responsibilities help both management and employees to work smoothly and productively to achieve their common goals.
This 1 Hour adult learning centred course has been created for the busy trainer or line manager that wants to get a message across but needs to reduce the impact to working operations.
- Developed for use in meetings
- Lunch and learn sessions,
- Virtual or remote training
- Add the topic to your leadership curriculum
- Professional development during team planning days
- Conference workshops
Alternatively, as part of a stand-alone training session.
Short, succinct 1 Hour professional development courses enable you to deliver active training sessions that get the key message across and retain participant involvement.
- Save hours of research and development time. We have done all the hard work so you can focus on the training delivery
- Own complete rights to edit, copy, and reuse the training materials. You can even brand it with your business logo and name.
- Download all training courses and courseware packages immediately in their source files.
Each training course includes:
- Detailed Trainers / Facilitator Guide
- Targeted explainer video
- Learner Workbooks
- Adult centred training activities A self-paced learning plan for learning application back in the workplace
- Learner Attendance Certificate
- Attendance record
- Training evaluation sheet
Duration: 1 hour
Audience: New supervisors, Supervisors, Leaders, managers of all levels.
Purchase now: $700 + GST (AUD)
Please click below to view examples of our training materials: