Grooming for the workplace
$400.00 + GST
Grooming for the workplace
It takes micro sessions for an opinion to be formed. Grooming plays a part. This module clearly explains grooming, dress codes, hygiene and associated impacts. This module is perfect for new employees and upskilling existing employees.Idea lf or induction day training and lunch and learn sessions. And, because it is customisable, you can include information regarding your own dress code or policy. Or better yet, use this training as a launch pad to implement your company’s dress code policy in your workplace. Easy
Proper Grooming
Proper grooming and professional appearance are important to gain not just a positive impression but also respect in the workplace. First impressions matter and the way employees look and carry themselves create impact with customers, and potential clients. Important topics such as hygiene and workplace safety such as wearing ‘high vis’ are included.
Proper grooming and professional appearance are important to both men and women. Lack of these may lead to poor image and can interfere with the company brand and reputation.
This 1 Hour adult learning centred course has been created for the busy trainer or line manager that wants to get a message across but needs to reduce the impact to working operations.
- Lunch and learn sessions,
- Add the topic to your leadership curriculum
- Professional development during team planning days
- Conference workshops
- Stand alone, refresher training
Perfect for company induction and orientation training.
1 hour editable training content
Short, succinct 1 Hour professional development courses enable you to deliver effective training sessions that get the key message across and retain participant involvement.
- Save hours of research and development time. We have done all the hard work so you can focus on the training delivery
- Own complete rights to edit, copy, and reuse the training materials. You can even brand it with your business logo and name.
- Download all training courses and courseware packages immediately in their source files.
Each training course includes:
- Detailed Trainers / Facilitator Guide
- Targeted explainer video
- Learner Workbooks
- Adult centred training activities
- A self-paced learning plan for learning application back in the workplace
- Learner Attendance Certificate
- Attendance record
- Training evaluation sheet
Duration: 1 hour
Audience: Employees at all levels.
Purchase now: $400 + GST (AUD)
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